7 dni na zwrot towaru

At OglądajSavers.com, our commitment to your satisfaction extends well beyond the delivery of your products. We understand that sometimes a purchase may not meet your expectations, which is why we offer a flexible and hassle-free return policy designed to ensure your peace of mind. You can return or exchange any online purchase within 7 days from the dispatch date, allowing you to shop with confidence. Please note that terms and conditions apply to all returns to maintain the quality of our products.

If you do not receive a product that meets your satisfaction, you always have the option to reject the payment at your credit card center, providing you with additional security throughout your shopping experience.


To ensure a smooth return process, all returned items must be in new, unworn condition, free from any signs of wear, scratches, markings, or adjustments. Products must include all original packaging, warranty cards, and instruction booklets. Returns or exchanges can be conveniently processed at any of our stores within the country of purchase, provided you have the original receipt. Alternatively, you may return items by shipping them back to our facility using a return label supplied by our customer service team.

Refunds will be processed using the original payment method, ensuring a straightforward and secure transaction. If you have any questions or need assistance with the return process, please don’t hesitate to contact WatchSavers at [email chroniony]. Our dedicated customer service team is here to support you and guide you every step of the way, ensuring your experience with us remains positive and enjoyable.